Struggling with my 5 month old growing up


I know it sounds and seems totally silly to say but I’m struggling so much with my baby girl growing up. She rolled over for the first time yesterday and I am so happy about that BUT so sad too because time

Is going too fast. I have no room in our bedroom for her cot so so she is in her own room - (with an alarm mat and monitor), it’s only next door and she still wakes every 2-4 hours through the night (tonight maybe she’ll go all night as we’re trying something new) but I miss her. It feels like she is miles away!! I love her waking up (also hate it as I want a decent nights sleep lol) and not settling right then only settling when she comes into bed with me (usually about 5am for a couple of hours), it makes me feel complete and the love for her I have is absolutely crazy!! If I could cuddle her all day I would. I’m looking forward to all of these milestones but I’m dreading each one too because it means my baby is growing up and yes she’s only 5 months old but I’m already struggling with it as it’s too fast!!

Sorry for the ramble I just needed to get it out to ppl who may understand.