Heeeeelp us sleeeeeeep

Jennifer • Married/May 2017 daughter/July 2019 son

If anyone has gentle tips for how to get through the 4-month sleep regression, please for the love of everything holy drop them here. My sweet angel daughter is 4.5 months old and for the past few weeks has been waking up as often as 15 times a night (or every 1-2 hours on a good night). We've tried to keep her schedule pretty consistent, and she naps pretty well during the day, but come nighttime she screams and cries when we put her down, no matter how tired she is, and is inconsolable unless she's picked up again. Putting her down is probably an hour-long process now. And then obviously she wakes up a bunch all night. At least a few of those times all we need to do is hush her and put her pacifier back in, but gollyyyyy waking up every hour is taking its toll on my husband and me. 😫 And before anyone suggests Cry It Out, please don't unless you have a better reason than "because it works." I'm not a proponent of CIO, I prefer gentler methods but I apparently haven't found the correct gentle method for helping her fall back asleep on her own. Any helpful hints?