I wanna hear about....


How you got your BFP! How you told your significant other about your BFP! Also how you announced if you have already told your family! I love these stories so much ❀ My story: I woke up at 5am 4 days before my missed period and something in my head told me I needed to test! I wasn't expecting a BFP because I wasn't feeling sick but decided to listen to my instinct πŸ€—. Went and peed. Sat it on the counter, and set my countdown. *Beep beep* I stand up (still with sleepy eyes) turn the test over and see a very clear line! I ran in the bedroom and woke hubby up and told him. "Let me see the test." *hands him test* "I don't see anything πŸ€”." Me: "RUB YOUR EYES AND SIT UP YOU BLIND IF YOU DON'T SEE THAT." *rubs his eyes and sits up. Looks again* Him: "Oh. okay I'm going back to sleep." πŸ˜‘ Way to be excited πŸ™ƒ. (Note: Hubby was very excited after he woke up πŸ˜‚ He was just sleepy. I'm almost 10+6 now and baby's heart rate at 8 weeks was 173 😍)

Edited: Pictures of tests added to add to the point of my man is seeing impaired when he first wakes up πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Update!: How we told our parents! Me- We had planned on telling our parents after my babe got off work. While he was at work I was super nervous like

Just playing it in my head over and over. So I had an idea! I went into our spare room (soon to be nursery) and grabbed an old shoe box. I got my gel pens I had bought the week before and got to work. On the top part I put "PLAYER 3. ENTERING GAME MAY 2018" At this point im super excited I look like this

I grab a digital pregnancy test, take it, and tape it to the inside. So now I am just waiting for hubby to get home like

He finally gets home and I am jumping out my pants ready to go go go. He still hasn't told me how he is going to tell his mom but he gets in the shower and I am like

How long is this gunna take D': So fast forward he showers, eats, and we are ready to go. We get to my mom and dad's house first. I walk in with my babe and we are like

Super nervous (Its out first baby). I tell my mom to sit down and I went upstairs and got my little sister who sits next to my mom. I tell my mom that my babe and I MADE a present for her. 1st hint. So we give her the shoe box. I walk over to my babe and am holding his hand really tight because I am shaking like a leaf. I tell my mom to open it. She opens it. Looks inside. BARELY EVEN SEES THE OUTLINE OF THE TEST. And goes

Super shocked. My 15 year old sister is like o.o???????? What is happening? and my dad is over there staring at my babe like

And my babe is like

At this point my sister catches on and is like

I'm like

Because no one has absolutely flipped their lid yet. Bomb diffused. Tl;DR: My sister probably took it the worst because she was just in a daze the rest of the night super dissociated from the entire situation, My mom took it good and is still really excited and laid out her plans to spoil the baby relentlessly. And my Dad is just like "Welp I am happy for y'all!" Now for My babes grandparents! So I am feeling a lot better about things because my family was happy. So I am in the car and we are on our way to his grandparents (we had to wait for his mom to get home from work) I look over halfway through the car ride and notice babe is gripping the steering wheel like

Just squeezing it so I am like it'll be okay just calm down. He didn't want me to use my shoebox announcement with his family because he wanted to do a "I have good news and bad news," thing.

Poor shoebox :'(. We get there and he is like

Walking through the door and nervous to go through the doorway. Finally all sit down and babe looks at his grandad who is like

Babe goes

His mawmaw looks at me for confirmation and I just nod

Now we are off to his Mom's! He is feeling better and he is super excited and almost giddy to tell his mom. He is looking like

talking about how happy she is gunna be and how it will make everything in her life just super great. Which of course makes me super excited too. So we finally pull up to her place and he is like "No shoebox." I'm just wanting to go tell her because he was so so hype. So we go in and she is walking around and he tells her to sit down at the dining room table and she just looks at him like

We finally get her to sit down and he says ,"I have good news and bad news. Which one do you wanna hear first?" (keep in mind she was supposed to pick good news) So she says

So we are like nooo you gotta pick one! So she is like fine I'll take bad news. My babe says ,"She is pregnant." and his mom looks at him like he has lost his mind. She is like ,"??? Why is that bad news?!? That is great news!!!" and then she asked what the good news was and he said it was the same thing. But his mom is over here like

Not hearing anything anyways and I am just laughing

Because everyone is all happy and she is excited not listening to him πŸ˜‚ Wanting to know the due date and stuff and when we are gunna find out if baby is a boy or girl. Then his little sister overhears everything and she is like

"YOU'RE PREGNANT!?!?" screams at the top of her lungs. Then his little brother hears and peeks from his bedroom

But Ending everyone right now is like

Just so so Excited For Baby Allen to make their appearance in May 2018 πŸ’–