hard times

R0bEX • i don`t care°· not anymore °·

i am finally after years of being stuck in a dead end city --- MOVING ! I was in an abusive relationship for many years that resulted in 3 children so need I say the abuse has continued via the kids . Ive been needing to leave the city and I am finally moving away from this psycho ... I am transitioning into a new job and everything is falling apart . . . besides the "normal" drama and stress from my ex ..my car is busted , 😭 , i had to use all of my security deposit on bills as my training for the new job is sporadically spaced and pay is

bi-weekly ...i have nothing left but $14. i just got an order for child support that the father is fighting , so likely will not be seeing any of that money consistently.

i dont know what to do . Im afraid I wont be able to move because I dont have the security deposit . what can i do ?

how does a muffler just fall off a car ? how does that happen ? i am so paranoid by the things my ex has done to me and my family that I actually think he did this ......😨

i don't know what to do . any advice ? Ive already cashed in all the coins around the house and pawned my "jewelry" to make ends meet . this is scary .. wishing I didnt change jobs just because of the lack of fluid work hours due to training has really put me in a tight spot . all the bills are backed up and I am falling behind which i never have... i am always responsible and never have let this stuff happen.. i am so overwhelmed..