TMI need advice


Has anyone experienced this? i am 5weeks and 6days pregnant, yesterday my husband and i had sex it wasnt rough he didnt even want to go all the way. After i started to see some blood and read up on it and saw it was normal after intercourse so i just monitored it all day this was around 9am but then at the day the bleading got heavier and i felt a gush of blood when i wiped it was really dark red (6pm) so i went to the hospital they took urine sample, blood work vag u/s and a sono. the blood wprk showed i had hcg at 16,665 and the u/s they saw the sac, yolk sac, and the fetel pole with crown rump measuring at exacly 5weeks and 5days but saw blood around the sac. i was told because of the blood and they saw no heartbeat i was going to miscarry, but my thing is i have had 2 miscarriages in the past and the first thing i noticed was the hcg went down fast but in this case my hcg levels are going up still and baby is still growing. i had a dr appt on the wed. before all this happened and she said all she could see was sac and yolk sac now there is more. maybe its just me wanting to have high hopes but i feel like im not going to miscarry. bleeding slowed down alot! i have had no cramping or clots since the bleeding started. Has anyone experienced this. please help.