going blonde! update

Darre’n • Boy mom 💙

going from midnight purple and black to blonde! I thought I would love dark purple hair but it makes my face look so washed out and sick looking. So my question is do you think color oops will strip the purple or will it just turn my hair grey?

this is the best I could get for a photo. my phone sucks at taking pics.

UPDATE so I went into a salon girlies and she did lift the color absolutely NO DAMAGE then what was already! it did smell horrific. then she even gave me a list of things to get that won't damage. no hair color no bleach no another other boxes of dye.

this is what she had me get. the results are amazing!

she said to use this 2 times a week for 2-3 months and to come back to her. I'm so happy I literally squealed.

still some purple and black but for the most part it's gone. and my hair feels amazing.