Can pain meds for kidney infection block out contraction pains?

Lexi • Wife💍Mama🩵 Birth Mother🤍👼🏻x3

On Friday 10/20 I was admitted to the hospital for a bad kidney infection. (I had come in with very intense back pain that i thought was back labor) I was released today and for the 4 days I was there, I never had any contractions (they had me on the monitor for 30 minutes every 8 hours) until today, I had 2 contractions with no pattern and the nurse said I was just contracting because of the infection. The doctor came in and checked my cervix a little later and said it was still closed and then we started talking about inducing me next week if my cervix is “favorable” by then, (I’m 38+1 rn) and if not then i would still be induced but I would have to come in the night before to get some kind of something done to make my cervix ready to be induced the next day. They released me with antibiotics and Oxycodone for the pain. It’s been about 7 hours since i left the hospital. About an hour ago I started getting pains in my back and sides again so i took one of the pain pills they prescribed. After that i went to the bathroom and when I looked in the toilet there was snot looking stuff in there😕 I’m thinking it can’t be my mucus plug because my cervix was just closed earlier today? Well then i start getting pains in the front of my stomach along with the pains in my back and my stomach occasionally getting hard. The pains/tightening in my stomach come and go but my back pain is constant. I’m wanting to just shrug it off as the kidney infection making me contract and hurt but then but i don’t know for sure? and another thing is the medicine has dulled the pain but it’s still there. How can i know if it’s real contractions if I can’t feel the full extent of it? I’m not really sure what to do.. I asked the nurse about being able to tell a difference and she said I would just know but that didn’t really help😕 I just left the hospital so i don’t want to go back again and it be nothing. Plus i’m an hour and a half away from the hospital right now at SO’s house. Not sure what to do.. any advice?