Nurse making me nervous.

Okay I feel so stupid but I just felt like asking if they have ever experienced this during a doctors visit. I went in for unrelated visit and they decided to do a pregnancy test. As I am waiting for the results a few min go by ( no biggie ) and the really sweet nurse comes in and is like “I need to run the test again uh uh this one is just weird one uh but it’s okay” so I am sitting here like

I have never had a nurse do that so I chalk it up to a bad test / maybe a dye run. So I am waiting a few more minutes for the next test and she calls me back and says the test came back negative. BUT as I was leaving the nurse called the doctor over and told her I ran the test but they came out weird should I send them to labs . Like wth 🙄 no call or anything so I figure everything good but why would they confirm its negative if they had doubts. Had anyone ran into that before