10/30 CD 19 5 DPO


Getting through the TWW a little better than last month even though hubs left yesterday for Vegas for work for a week, blah! Miss him so much already... no one to cuddle or take care of this morning. Ready to get this doctors appt on tho, it’s at 3:00!! CP is high again was a bit lower and now feeling more closed and firmer. Fingers crossed for implantation in the next couple days if it hasn’t happened already!! 🤞🏼

Found this info below in a chart about 5 DPO (got to love google during the TWW): 😃

After fertilization: The blastocyst is formed and remains free-floating (unattached). The protective shell around the blastocyst, known as the zona pellucida, starts to degenerate after arriving in the uterus in anticipation of implantation. This generally occurs within 72 hours of arriving in the uterus.

Have a great day today and I’ll update you later after my appt!! 💕🙏🏼