BFP!! (well three 😍)


After 2 miscarriages in the last year, latest one beginning of August, and getting the all clear to go ahead from the doctor in September we began trying for the beginning of October. We decided to simply both take vitamins and take it easy as we're still recovering. Wouldn't you know it AF is a day and a half late, normally regular to the half day, and I got the itch to take a test. I didn't want to get my hopes up yet so I just casually dropped the late AF bomb to DH before he went to work and he just nodded along but came home with a bag full of tests and face full of excitement. I figured no harm no foul and kept my hopes down as I took the rest, making myself do my nightly face routine to make the time go by and don't I look down to the top BFP. And so I ran out holding it out to hubby saying we need to take some more tests and out came more BFP's!! 😂 retesting in the morning a) to compare and b) still in shock. Couldn't wait to post here as we've decided to keep it on the dl for a while before sharing 😍