First Pregnancy Ever!


So the other day, I went grocery shopping and decided to buy some pregnancy tests. My husband and I decided a month ago that we would start trying to have a baby and I wanted to be prepared for whenever I thought I was pregnant. I saw one of those hCG tests that have you pee in a cup and use the dropper thing. I’ve never seen one before, so I thought, “What the heck, I’ll buy one and try it. I’ve never seen this.”

I went home and took the test. I was 12 days past my period and I thought I wasn’t starting due to ending my birth control... Little did I know I was cramping and tired all the time due to being pregnant.

I honestly took the test to see how it worked. After I cleaned everything up, I was putting the test back in the box to throw it away and noticed the really faint line. I was with my father at the time because I was off that day and wanted to visit with him. I walked over to him and said, “Do you see what I see?” And he started crying. I’ve seen my dad cry, but this was the first time I’ve seen him CRY. He said, “You BETTER take more tests NOW.” So I ran and got all six pregnancy tests I just bought and they were all POSITIVE.

After ugly crying and LOSING MY MIND, I called my mom. She started crying and asked if I told my husband... I didn’t even think about what I was going to say. We literally just started trying for a baby. So I ran to the store and put this little ensemble together

We just had our first anniversary on Saturday and I forgot to give him the card I bought for him. I placed the card on top and told him to open the box after he read the card. We invited his parents over to celebrate our one year, so they saw his reaction, which happened to be this:

He then asked me, “Is this real?” And naturally my response was, “No, I went to target and asked a pregnant woman to pee on 6 pregnancy tests for me.” 🙄

After all the crying and freaking out, we just held each other. I’m still in shock and awe that I’m pregnant. I can’t believe this is happening and I’m SO EXCITED.

And a day after all of this happened, I had to take an extra test to see if it was real. Yep, still pregnant. 😂🙈

This is how we told social media and friends: