I found my boyfriend doing Cocaine!!!!

I’ve been with my fiancé since I was 19 years old, I am now 28 years old. I know I am probably going to be judged, unfortunately since my fiancé was 13 years old he has been selling illegal drugs in the streets of New York. He never had a legal job and I met him selling drugs, I tried and tried and tried my very best to change him. I tried to get him jobs the only thing that I was able to do was get him to get his GED.

He makes good money from selling drugs. I tried to make him stop so many times and eventually I just gave up and continued working on myself and my future. I did ask him to please not use the drugs, I begged him and begged him and told him if I ever find him ever using cocaine I was going to leave the relationship. My father used to do drugs when I was little and I remember telling myself I would never be with a guy that does drugs.

Making the story short, a few months ago I got this sick feeling in my stomach and out of no where started found him weird. Well fast forward yesterday morning I “left” to work around 11am, he was already up because he was going to go see a car with his friend that he’s thinking about buying. As I am walking to the train station I realize that I actually go in at 1pm because yesterday was Wednesday, so I decided to go to Starbucks and get myself some coffee and breakfast and go back home. When I get back home I hear him in the bathroom and he’s like sniffing really hard something told me to walk in quietly, as quiet as I could be I opened the door to the bathroom and there he was, my first love the man of my dreams. Sniffing cocaine.

Let me know if you guys need an update 😩😞😞😞😞😞😞😞 I am devastated! I Left him !! Told him to get out and never ever look my way again