I can’t STAND my boyfriends son.

Okay I don’t know where to post this. And of course I feel bad, however I am at my wits end with my boyfriends son. And suggestions are welcome... PLEASE.

*desparate 6 month pregnant woman here*

I have been with my boyfriend for 4 years.

We love each other, I can’t see my life with anyone else, I was an air hostess and took him on my trips so we have travelled the world together, so many memories, good times.. I’m 25 he’s 33 and we have known each other since I was 16 but never dated prior to the 4 years ago.

Long story short he had a one night stand around 6 years ago and it came out that she deliberately fell pregnant.. she is also 33. She is bipolar and very abusive, even though his son is now 6 she still sends abusive texts and has abused me and stalked me so much I had to get the police. So I can totally understand he is being raised by someone who is not 100% but she still has a normal house and stable job etc so I know his son is okay.

HOWEVER.... my partner does not like to discipline him as he only sees him once or twice a week which I can understand. But his attitude is soooo awful, if I tell him not to do something He will say ‘ I will do it when my dad is there then’ ... if I tell him off he runs and tells his dad, he is cheeky, looks at me in disgust, gets whatever he wants and is very very defiant if asked to do something he will not do it. I have words with him when we are alone and he says sorry then soon as his dads there he does it again. I understand kids are naughty but from what I can see he is not naughty, but he is sly and to me that is worse.

How do I get this kid to behave. I seriously dread him even staying over, he shouts and screams the house down, I just can’t put my finger on it the sly sneaky behaviour I just cannot stand. I feel bad saying it but he is awful :(