Can someone help me!

Why can’t I appreciate complements and nice gestures??

So 11 months ago I came out of a serious 3 year relationship, I never really got complimented off him but when I did wow did it make me feel so good, every nice text if I’d get off him I’d save, I loved living with him, I couldn’t get enough of him, in the end I found out he was cheating, that’s why that one is over.

I then got pregnant by my LG Dad in April, so I’m currently 31 weeks pregnant, we wasn’t together I guess I was using him to get over my ex of 3 years... he wanted a relationship I tried but I just couldn’t, he would treat me so nicely, I felt suffocated with compliments, affection and nice things I couldn’t do anything for myself he was just too nice far too over the top... we went our separate ways.

Fast forward to now I’m 31 weeks pregnant I’ve met a new guy who’s been taking me out on date and is really understanding of my situation... me being pregnant doesn’t stop him from wanting to see where things go with me. Problem is... again he’s tooo nice!! I’m already feeling suffocated, he says really nice things that make me cringe a little bit, I do like him and think very highly of him for wanting to take on a women and a child that isn’t his but the compliments and soppy texts are just too much, he tells me he misses me and he only saw me last night but yet I was like this with my ex of 3 years!

What is wrong with me and why can’t I just like the nice guys without them making me want to run???