Advice about my ex. *update*

Ok... so it’s a long story but I will try to shorten it as best as I can.

Okay so when I was in high school I dated this guy for 2 years. And I thought at the time that he was my first love. You know being my first real relationship where we hung out almost everyday and went on dates and my parents knew about him.

I even lost my virginity to this dude in his dad truck. Omg most uncomfortable thing ever lol I regret it to this day cause I wish I would of saved my self for my husband. But anyways okay so he cheated on me a bunch of times. He even told me ones that he had a crush on my best friend at the time. I was devestated. Cause he told me literally the day after I lost my virginity to him. So we broke up. And during my time of heart ache and hating my self. And thinking I wasn’t as good as my “best friend” (btw she actually dated him) lol 😂 I prayed to God for a man that loves him more than anything. A man that will love and care for me. I’m Christian so I hated my self for loosing my virginity before marriage. But I know that iam forgiven now. But anyways so that day that I prayed my aunt showed up to my house and we started to play around like we always did my aunt is like my best friend/ sister so she recorded me rapping to this song from let it shine from a Disney channel movie lol 😂 well this guy that I didn’t know but my aunt did commented on the video my aunt posted asking about me. We started talking and I really liked him. His sister was dating my cousin at the time so that is how my aunt knew him. ( he is my husband now btw) anyways I’m skipping this part if you want to hear it let me know and I will tell y’all the whole story.) Okay so it’s been 4 years know i haven’t talked to my ex at all or even thought about him. But lately he has been trying to add me on instagram. And dming my aunt for he to tell me that he wants to talk to me. And y’all the curiosity is killing me cause I want to know what he wants. Lol what should

I do?

Okay y’all I didn’t talk to him that’s all