Please help!!!! 😭


I am at such a loss right now. I don’t know what to do and I feel like an awful mother right now. My little one is almost 11 months old now, and has all of a sudden decided over the past few weeks that she wants to fuss and cry both before and after nap time as well as have a tantrum before bed and a few times throughout the night. Nothing I do seems to be enough to calm her. I have even tried to let her cry in her room for a couple of minutes to see if she will soothe herself, and she doesn’t. I have had no sleep for weeks now, she hasn’t either apparently, rocking feeding, singing, reading a book, cuddling, sleeping in bed with me, nothing is working. What am I doing wrong? How can I make this stop? 😭 It physically HURTS me to hear her cry and not be able to make things better!