TTC help


I'm starting to think I will never conceive. it's becoming devastating. my boyfriend and I've been ttc since Jan with no luck. it took a year and half to conceive my son 10 years ago. I was on the depo when I was a teen and got off of it when I was ready to get pregnant. after I had my son I got got on the marina and was on it for almost 9 years. Now that I have finally found the perfect guy, the man of my dreams now I can't get pregnant. Is there any one else out there that is going thru this same problem that I'm having? can any one help? It's start to feel like it's never going to happen and my boyfriend and I really won't a girl. I have a boy and he has 3 boys. so I know that both of us are able to have kids. I've been tracking my cycles but it's hard for us to have sex as much as we should because of his job and he's not like most guys he's not a nympho. he says it feels pushed so it's bothering him so I know that it's not helping the matter. any help is welcome.