First egg retrieval!


Hi ladies. I had my ER yesterday and had quite a bit of pain last night. My left ovary is kind of in a weird position so I had two nurses pressing on my stomach while the doc tried to to get to it!!! Anyways, we had 21 eggs collected, 17 mature and 12 fertilized. I cant help but feel a little worried my number is cut in half already ! Waiting anxiously to see how many make it to day 5 and then we are opting for PGS. I'm hoping for a transfer beginning of December. I'd love to have some ladies to chat with throughout this process. The waiting is horrible. This is my first <a href="">IVF</a> cycle.

I'm 36 and DH is 38. We have unexplained infertility and have been trying for 4 years. 3 failed IUIs, one miscarriage.