What do I️ do?

My boyfriend sometimes he says pacific instead of specific and so I️ normally giggle and correct him. Kind of poke fun at him. Well last night after I️ did this jokingly he was not having it, he called me unintelligent and primitive (mind you I’m part black and given the fact that I’ve been called primitive before in racial context I️ take it the wrong way). I️ said “well you’re part Neanderthal” in a joking way which he obviously did not pick up on

and then he replies “well I️ don’t care, because white people rule the world”

of course then I️ start backing off from the convo putting my head under my pillow to give each of us space (we live in a little studio) and he comes around saying “fuck you” and “arrogant bastard” and “screw you” to which I️ reply “well guess what now you don’t have a black girlfriend” flash forward to this morning he’s trying to justify saying these things with “facts” and also saying sorry.

I’m sure this is a stupid question but, help me ladies. What should I️ do?