So upset.... is it normal to be treated this way?

Had my first apt yesterday. I’m 7 weeks 5 days. My husband was able to come.

Doctor comes in. Starts talking a mile a minute. Her monologue was good. Giving me a lot of info. To do, not to do, not to eat to eat. And then she goes on the timeline on things.

I️ missed when the first ultra sound was. So I️ said ‘I got the second ultra sound is 18 weeks but when is the first?’

She said 7-8 weeks. I️ said oh so soon? She then asked how far along I️ was. I️ said I would be 8 weeks Saturday. She said yes then come back tomorrow for the ultra sound. We explained we can’t due to my husbands schedule, we would have to schedule it next week.

She said fine then schedule it with a tech and then you will come back the next day for me to go over it.

I️ asked ‘oh you don’t do the ultra sound?’ (I️ honestly did not know) she said no a tech will do it and then you will schedule to come back to see me once I️ see it and have time to go over it... I️ asked if there was any chance that could be scheduled the same day? It’s very hard to have my husband have one week day off let alone two.

She said that was out of her hands and we would need to figure it out.

I️ asked if the ultra sound tech says anything during it and if I’m aloud to ask them questions. She said no, that they just do the ultra sound, they cannot answer questions, I would have to wait for my follow up with her and she said “obviously you should have done more research before coming in today’’

I️ said I’m sorry I️ literally know nothing.

I️ made a list of my questions to ask her thinking this would be the apt to do so

(When I️ scheduled they told me it was an hour long apt with the doctor and a consultation, just simple questions like can I️ have coffee, how much ect)

When she was done with her speech I️ asked maybe 4 questions, about coffee, my work schedule (I️ work overnights) tea and vitamins... she started to get annoyed... I️ said sorry...

She said it wasn’t the ‘amount of questions annoying her it was how I️ was asking them’

-Yes she said she confirmed she was annoyed with me

And she asked if I was done and ready for my exam. I️ said okay.

As she lays me back and I️ asked ‘when u do the exam does it still feel the same down there since it’s so early on?’

She says she doesn’t understand my question.

I️ said with this exam when u go up for the PAP and then feel around does it still feel the same or does things feel different this early on?

She bends over me so pretty close to my face and says ‘do u understand I’m a doctor?! And that I️ went to school for this?’

I️ started awkward laughing (just what I️ do sometimes when nervous) and said I’m sorry this is my first pregnancy I️ don’t know anything.

And she snapped WHAT IS FUNNY ABOUT THIS?! Do u think this is funny? I️ said no I’m just nervous.

She says are you SURE I️ can examine you?

I️ said yes I’ve been getting my PAPs here for years I️ just was wondering if it was any different.

She goes down there. Does her thing. Gets out says ‘you have an upside down cervics.. that’s why ur prone to bad period and ur gonna have a bad back labor’ and she throws down her stuff and says do you have ANYMORE questions?!

I️ reluctantly asked ‘upside down cervics? Have I️ always had that or is that due to the pregnancy?’

She says you’ve ALWAYS had it that’s why I️ said u had bad periods! Any MORE questions?!”

I️ just said no. And tried from not crying.

She puts some stuff away then turns around and said ‘a word of advise, you need to calm down’

I️ started crying. (Cause it wasn’t like a sweet oh hun calm down it was a mean calm down)

my husbands jaw dropped in the corner.

I️ said I️ don’t even know what that means ‘calm down?’

She said ‘you expect just to know everything now and things just don’t work that way’ I️ said I️ didn’t know what she means. She told me if I️ still wanted to come here for my next follow up to go down the hallway and have a tech draw my blood and if there was nothing else she was done.

I️ said okay and she left the room with me hysterically crying. . .

Has anyone else had a doctor so upset with them??? I️ was so confused. My husband said it was like a flip switched in her and she was done with us but he couldn’t understand why either.

Oh and she had made a comment somewhere in all of it that ‘maybe I️ should find another clinic’

This is a nice office I’ve been going to for years now since my first OB retired. But I️ always just saw a nurse practitioner here.

So I️ got my blood work done and scheduled an ultra sound and apt next week but with a different doctor but same office.

Which the receptionist scheduled the ultra sound tech apt and the doctor follow up the same day. Just 30 min apart so we would just wait to then see the doctor same day. And she did it like no problem and said people do that all the time?

Is it normal to have a doctor get so mad at you? I’ve been so upset since yesterday now and it sucks.... my first appointment, my first experience with any of this and it was totally horrible :(