I’m 6 months pregnant and my boyfriend is facing 2-5 years in jail.


Now, I don’t want you to read that title and instantly form an opinion on me. My boyfriend and I have been together for 2 years. He has been struggling with a lot, losing both of his parents, who, to be honest, were never real parents. His mother introduced him to cocaine and pills when he was a teenager and his father was almost completely absent. He was clean for about a year and a half before he slipped up and started using again. At that point I was 4 1/2 maybe 5 months pregnant. He stopped going to see his P.O. so they issued a warrant for his arrest. Part of me is glad that he was arrested because he was forced to get clean. I spoke to him today and his attorney basically told him that there is about an 80% chance of him going into a residential drug program and a 20% chance of him facing 2-5 years in jail. I am doing my very best to not stress, I don’t want to put any of this stress on my baby. I’m so conflicted because I love Alex more than anything but at what point is enough enough? I’ve never had to deal with this type of stuff before him. I’ve always been a “good girl” as he would say. I have literally never in my life been in trouble so this is a lot to handle, and it is hard to talk about without constant judgement. I want more than anything for our family to be together but I’m always going to be scared that this isn’t the last time. That is always going to be on my mind. I just don’t know what to do.