Deployment woes

Okay so, my husband is deployed rn and he’s currently facing a negligent discharge.

He was handling his weapon and charged it and then set it in automatic , I have no idea how guns work this is just what he said, and it fired off 3-4 rounds. Nobody was injured and he didn’t know what happened. His squad was around but they all kept it pretty hush. The 1sg is not a nice guy and nobody likes to go up to him.

We’re pretty sure he’s facing an article 15 but we aren’t sure if it’s field or company and if he’ll be demoted or not(he’s an e5). He’s kind of melodramatic in his own nature and I’ve been trying to calm him down but he’s been freaking me out. Online the worst that’s happened is a demotion. But he seems to think he’s getting kicked out of the army completely and he keeps freaking me out more so I’m sitting at home all worried and he’s over there freaking out major.

They had an investigation started knows when, and he’s been stuck in his barracks 24hr+. Nobody is saying anything and he can’t even go talk to his 1sg because he keeps disappearing. I feel sick to my stomach and I have no idea what to do.