For you ladies with pcos and endometriosis 💔💗

Megan đź’•

I’ve written my feeling on my pcos and I’m sure everyone will relate. I just want to support everyone with the same problem as me and still suffering. love to all of you 💗

This year I was diagnosed with pcos endometriosis and enlarged ovary on left side. I will get through this!

Every day we just can’t help to have on our mind every day that it will be our month this month. We get excited and anxious. We look up all the symptoms from little things like headaches and different cravings. We can’t wait for the tww to be over to find out..But the one day of the month it never happens and we have to have 7 days of knowing it wasn’t our time this time... and we sit and think again that it will be again next month. And it happens again... like a broken record.

When certain amount of time goes by we sit and wonder again that surely it would have happened by now. We see friends and loved ones announce their bundle of joys to the world and we have on our minds.. “why isn’t that us?” But we cant let that show, becaus if we did we would be classed as “jealous”... but truth is we are because we have wanted something for so long. We try everything everyone else have used and works for them and still nothing for us!

The first appointment to the doctors is the scariest, from check ups, talks, blood test, ginocologyst and scans... to tell us we have pcos and endometriosis. and the silence and the drop in your belly and thoughts going through your mind.... to then go home to feel a failure is the worst...

But time goes on and you still don’t feel better and you still feel a failure to your parents and to your SO...

but we shouldn’t have to feel like this! We should think about all the positive things that we can still have children, it just going to take us a little bit more time than every other girl.. that’s why when we we someone on glow announce the tyre pregnant with pcos or endometriosis we should be happy for them and to have hope in ourselves! When people say it’s not the end of the world... it’s hard to not think it isn’t because it’s our world that feels like it is...we have got to be strong for ourselves and every other girl with the same problem! We have to think positive! I, and everyone else knows how much YOU want a baby... you and everyone knows how much I want a baby... that’s why us girls need to stick together! 💗 #girlpower!

I hope that this makes you girls a little more positive even when we haven’t got what we want yet! But our time will come soon my honeys 💗