Finally he loves eating solids!


Anyone else face challenges getting their little ones on solids and finger foods?? Our guy finally loves to eat, he is gobbling down everything now, well almost everything (doesn't like green beans) I can't get it on his tray fast enough! It was months of him not being interested at all in eating and trying everything. At his 1 year checkup, he hadn't gained any weight since his last checkup and the docs were worried... he is small to begin with, so I just started throwing everything in front of him and exaggerating me eating it and how yummy it is. Suddenly in one week, it clicked to him, food is delicious haha! I also think teething had a big role.. he got his first tooth at 3 months, finally getting his last teeth, the dreaded canines.

Here is a pic of him having Oma's cooking ;-) loving it even the red cabbage! Hubs is German and we live in Germany, this is a typical German dish.

I want to see other 1 yr olds enjoying delicious food!