Nap time struggles....

Kaylee • Case and Cole’s momma! 🌾🌾 #boymom

Okay so my little guy just turn 1 at the end of October. We transitioned into 2 naps a day like 3 month ago but now the time between his naps are growing longer so here’s his schedule. Wakes up at 7:30-8 naps at 10 wakes up at 12 then he’s great until 4:30-5 then wants another nap but he goes to bed at 8. So if he naps at 4:30-5 he’ll sleep an hour and a half but then he wants to stay awake til 9-9:30 and then is crabby for days after. If I try and put him down for a nap anytime early than 4 he fights it and won’t go to sleep. So I really need some opinions on this. What should I do? 🤯