Things to get my son talking

My boy turned two in August and still doesn’t say a lot at all. His doctor wasn’t concerned and I’m not really either but I do need some ideas on things or shows I can do or get him to watch that will help. I try using the same word over and over throughout the day to see if it will stick and he will say it too, it doesn’t work. I’ve tried flash cards, he won’t sit still to do them, I’ve tried using his toys, he’s not interested in learning he just wants his toy. He says: Momma, What are you doing, yes, no, hey, bye, okay, and that’s really it.

He was always ahead of learning things when it comes to kids his age, he was an early crawler, walker, he took himself off a bottle at four months, took himself off a paci at one month, but I’m having the hardest time getting him to talk and potty training him.