Please help

So I've been seeing this guy for a week maybe 2. We work together and i think I like him but everyone doesn't like him and he's "ugly" which sways my opinion of him.

Anyways, I've always had protected sex, but me and this guy have had unprotected sex. He just got out of a relationship not too long ago. And ever since we've been messing around i feel like my vagina has been weird. My pubes have been feeling more itchy and it's kinda itchy around my vaginal opening/vulva whatever, somewhere down there below my clitoris.

And when I discharge it has an odor and I can't tell if it's brown but it's not white all the time.

Anyways I did some research and from symptoms it said I could have vaginitis, bacterial vaginosis, yeast infection or the worst thing I could be pregnant.

When we had sex he always pulled out but it scared me considering right when he pulled out he came, so what if he came inside me idk.

Idk if I should just wait it out for my period next week, go in and see a doctor or what. Besides I am a 16 year old girl and idek how to even see a doctor. I'm scared and i have no idea what to do or what to think