not a normal Sex question but other forums never respond. eve is the only one that every actually responds.

So I'm 22 years old. This has to do with my nether regions. I have gone to my doctor because when I do number two it burns and bleeds. My doctor said I have a hemorrhoid but I've had it since I was 6. She said it wasn't inflamed at all and she stated it might be a yeast infection on my backside. She gave me cream at this appointment 5 months ago and it never worked. Went to my gyno and she sent me to another doctor and they said to just keep using the cream. It mostly happens when I have diarrhea and or around my period. It might go a week or two without hurting but then comes back. I did my own research and all my symptoms give me the result anal fissure. I called my doctor and they said to use baby wipes and take baths. Yes this soothes it but I want it to heal and not come back so what do I do. She said this would help it heal but its been 3 months now since she told me what to do. My weddings soon and my fiance wants to try anal on our wedding night for the first time and I can hardly have normal sex because if he hits it by accident it starts burning.