When did y’all know you were ready?


When or how did y’all know you wanted to marry your SO???

My boyfriend and I have been best friends for about a year and a half, but we just started dating 6 months ago. I feel like I knew I wanted to marry him very early on in our relationship. We talk about getting married one day and honestly I feel so sure about him. We are in no rush...he hasn’t proposed to me yet. I love him so much. He’s my best-friend. I don’t see my life without him. He makes me feel safe and loved and I love everything about him.

Part of me is worried this feeling will wear off one day though and it scares me. In my past relationships guys have broken up with me out of no where because their feelings change towards me....I’m scared this might happen to me one day with him and I was just wondering if others had these fears as well. I’ve been in love before but nothing compared to what I feel for him.