How can I prepare to be there for

Lizzy • I'm a first time mom to my handsome little boy who was born 8.26.17💙 he makes me incredibly happy. follow our journey and I'll follow yours!😘🙂

my mom? on 11/3 of this year (keep in mind this is her bday) my grandma (her mom) went to the hospital in the abulance and was in the icu because she was diagnosed with congestive heart failure...and its bad. her heart is to far gone to be able to do anything about it. they don't know how long she has either... she's still in the hospital but out of the icu. how can I prepare to be there for my mom when and if my grandma did end up passing away...? I'm scared for my mom because she has very bad depression, and I just have a bad feeling about this if my grandma can't pull through..