

Is anyone else in their senior year of high school... or older that can help me? I know for sure I’m going to go to college but can I get some opinions on the following, do you girls think I’m “good enough” for LSU, Auburn, or any other colleges in general?... these acceptance rates really have my doubting myself.

•idk if race is important or matters, but Hispanic

•gpa: 3.21

•SAT: 1100 but taking it again soon and ACT score hasn’t come in yet

•classes: 8 AP total and the rest are Honors

•clubs and extracurriculars: school spirit, student council, mentor for freshman and sophomores, have been part of lacrosse for 3 years and captain for 1 of those years, track volunteer, 150 hours of community service, best buddy club(club that helps special ed kids by befriending them💗)