A Run down of my month & Symptoms, due for af tomorrow

Angela • 44 yr old Mother of 3 older children to previous marriage & a 4 year old boy to my partner of 5 yrs, ttc no 5 for 2 years, did fall pregnant last year in June but lost the baby at 12 weeks. Now Just had my baby boy Heath William 13/03/20 😍

4th month ttc- November

Things we did differently this time:

1. Eating healthier

2. Took evening primrose

3. Exercising

4. Partner on Menevit & eating healthier & stopped drinking coke

5. Used preseed

6. Had sex 3 days in a row & one being on my positive ovulation test

1 dpo - temp was 36.4 still bad ovulation pains

2 dpo - temp was 36.35 cramps on left side, cm is watery milky, nothing much else

3 dpo - temp was 36.45 sore nipples, creamy cm

4 dpo - temp was 36.50, noticed increased urination, woke up at 2am needing to pee, unusual for me

5 dpo- temp was 36.6, backache that’s all, really creamy cm, cp was medium soft closed, woke up at 2am needing to pee?

6dpo - temp was 36.35, so dropped, hoping it goes back up

7dpo - temp was 36.40, gone back up, severe mood swings

8dpo - temp was 36.45, rose again a little, still bad mood swings, very creamy cm, noticed a bright blue vein running across right boob & all other veins are bright on upper chest, had a bit of nausea

9dpo - temp was 36.40, dipped a little, veins are still there, had a wave of nausea, boobs are a bit sore, had massive wind pain at night, needed hot water bottle & panadol, had a weird vivid dream I pushed out a small pink egg?? Lol

10dpo - temp was 36.60, tummy still aches, boobs are still a bit sore with bright blue veins

11dpo- temp stayed at 36.60, boobs sore today, did an ovulation test today & the second line was there, so who knows, a bit of cramping today but could be AF 😩 veins are still there

12dpo- temp dropped dramatically 36.30, a bit deflated cause I’m thinking the witch is on her way, had a bit of cramping, cervix has stayed the same medium, soft slightly open but has been this way since after ovulation?? So weird. Had another weird dream of small white eggs?

13dpo- temp rise today 36.40, so I feel hopeful as I didn’t get a rise last month at 13 dpo instead I dropped so this is weird, plus 36.3 only just under coverline. Also still have bright blue veins & now my nipples have gone very dark? I have no af cramps at all, just a lot of cm & my boobs & nipples are sore.

So what’s your thoughts ladies 🤔, oh I put a pic of my temps too.