So there’s this boy...

Arianna • live to make people smile

I’m feeling so frustrated lately because I’m kinda involved with this boy and I am falling so hard for him. We went to homecoming together and fooled around afterwards and we really like each other, but he doesn’t want to get in a relationship because in 6 months we are graduating and he’s going to college in Florida. I do want a relationship but I also understand why he doesn’t. It’s just confusing because I want to go for it and he keeps acting like he does but then goes back and forth between flirting and not. I can tell he keeps leaning and pulling away. I can’t tell what he’s thinking. My thing is, i know we would be so good together and there have been so many signs telling me it’s meant to be, and that doesn’t happen to me ever! But I’m afraid I’m gonna go for it too much and push him away, but I’m also afraid that if I don’t go for it, I’m gonna regret it in the future. Idk what to do because he’s so confusing and I’m so frustrated and bummed out because I like him so much and he likes me but is afraid to date me and then deal with heartbreak later. I just don’t want it to be graduation time and I regret not taking a chance. I never thought I’d be in this situation. Everyone says we would be perfect for each other and I agree, I can see myself with him for a while but it’s still way to early to talk about the future like we are a serious thing because it is still so new. I just need advice because I have been feeling so crappy about it lately. He will pay attention to me and be so nice and I’ll feel so happy but then will go back to being bummed because he’ll seem to be keeping his distance so he doesn’t get hurt and also because of what he wants and what I want are different but yet the same and I can’t make up my mind. Someone help me feel better about this please!!!! I’m so torn