Is he being sexist?

Tonight is Black Friday and i haven’t gone in about 7 years so i really really wanted to go tonight. I asked my bf is he was cool that i went with another friend of mine. He ended up saying that it wasn’t a good idea but then i replied that if i was with him it would’ve been a perfect idea. He agreed to that point because his excuse was that he would be able to protect me. I am a person that has grown up to be independent and not to rely on anyone so the fact that he feels that i need someone to protect me offended me. I later on made a comment saying that just because he’s a guy he feels that his girlfriend can’t do anything on her own or without someone watching her. Due to that comment he got really upset and said that i was being rude. I just need to know what to do because i really felt offended but at the same time i don’t want him to feel upset.