Social Media Announcements


So the hubs and I are beyond ecstatic about our little bun in the oven and we are trying very hard to keep it a secret until Christmas Day. I will be about 9w 5d by then. (We haven’t had our first appointment yet, it’s on December 18th 😩) Anywho, our plan is to announce to both of our families on Christmas and I know everyone will want to post about it on FB and such. Usually I would be fine with that, and honestly I want to tell the whole WORLD, but I’m so scared. I don’t want to do it too early. I’ve read so many things on here about miscarriages happening before 12w. I don’t know if I can share that type of heartbreak with the world. I’ve never been pregnant before so everything is very new. If anyone has some advice on this subject or can ease my mind, please hollaaaa!