Sutra Beauty Salon..

Okay guys this sounds soo ridiculous but like I got sold today at the mall by this extremely gorgeous sales representative. He's not from America I don't think but his skin tone is white, has a full beard but very light and well trimmed, very shaped face. Has light brown hair and eyes and his accent is just gorgeous 😭💙 I know he just sold me a hair product but I got an additional discount from the Black Friday one because he was all "oh but I like you.." etc etc and I know it's there way of just selling it to you but fr it was og 180 and this is fact cause I've seen them sold at other places for that price but he sold it to me for 79.99 🤷🏼‍♀️ okay long story I know but he gave me his business card, would it be a horrible idea to contact him ?? 😬 I've been thinking about him all day idk why 😦😭