Low amniotic fluid, abnormal nst and rising bp


I’m obviously under medical care so I’m not looking for any medical advice, just looking for the experiences of others.

Monday I had a growth scan because I’ve been measuring two weeks ahead. My “little” guy weighed about 6lb 13oz at 36.3

Wednesday the drs office called, my amniotic fluid levels are low and I need to start going to non stress tests twice a week starting immediately.

First nst they check my bp and it’s 126/60. I’m normally at 115/60 or 70. My test lasted 2 1/2 hours because his heart pattern was opposite of what it should have been.

Second nst, he stopped moving. The nurse came in and used an auditory thing and after that he moved non stop. Bp was 130/80.

Anyone deal with these issues before? Do you think they’ll let me go till my due date (12-15) or continue working full time as a vet tech? What did they do for you?

I don’t meet with my doctor until Tuesday.