Due May 20th any buddies?? Also bleeding at 15 weeks ☹️


15 weeks today anyone else out there due the same time??

This is my third child and we have been so excited we kept it a total secret till after the scan at 13 weeks telling our families and children (2boys) was lovely.

However I’ve had bleeding since Friday. Friday was bright red but not enough to be seen has to be 3 whole soaked pads to be worth being seen there and then. So after the wasted trip to gp and then a&E; we are left in limbo till my scan tomorrow that the gp referred me for with the early pregnancy unit!

My partner thinks I over did it is all have been off work a week previously with sickness and exhaustion literally sleeping so much. But Friday we did a spot of payday shopping only out two hrs but did exhaust me and on coming home noticed I’d bled a little. If I had to estimate now I’d say it wasn’t a full pad worth throughout the whole day if I added it up. But it freaked me out as I’ve never had bleeding in pregnancy.

Over the weekend it’s just been between reddish - pinkish and now brown but nowhere near as much as Friday at all.

Anyone had this ?! I can’t help but think the worst and I’m dreading tomorrow but at the same time dying to know what’s up.

We also haven’t had sex in a while so I know that’s a common reason but doesn’t apply here.