Really just need to vent! And it’s really long sorry!!!

So my husband has a 3 year old daughter. Before I came along my husband and his ex were great co parents, never been to court, and he always willingly paid her child support once they split up. I actually had to meet the ex before they would allow their daughter to be around me. They both had that rule for potential spouses. Well everything was great for a while until we got serious and he moved in with me. She started changing their visit schedule, and wanting more money, even though she works, draws a disability check on this little girl because she has heart condition, plus getting all state benefits, always claims her on taxes, and this woman lives with her parents for free. But he started giving her more money just to keep things civil. But than we got married, and all over night visits came to a stop, and only get to keep her a few hours one day a week. Now here we are I’m 12 weeks pregnant with my first, and I’m not able to work now because severe back and leg pain started once I became pregnant. I have pcos, it’s a miracle i even got pregnant, we weren’t even trying because we didn’t think it was possible. Tonight we were served papers, she’s taking my husband to court for more child support. We’re struggling as it is to make ends meet, and now all I’m doing is stressing out. I know she’s only doing this because I’m pregnant. I also know all the stress isn’t good for my baby, but i have no idea how we are going to make it, or even support this baby, his ex and their daughter. 😭😩😫😱