Eye infection pregnant??

So yesterday I took my contacts out because my eye started hurting. It was horrible I could barely open my eyes my eye was watering non stop. Anyways I'm almost 15 weeks pregnant so the next day (today) I go to the eye doctor. My eye feels much better but still not all the way right. The dr told me I had an infection and said he was going to put dye in my eye to see if the infection is killing my eye. So at this point I'm in full blown panic. Well luckily he said it looks like my immune system is healing it on its own and he doesnt want to give me antibiotics because it could hurt the baby. Then he tells me if I do develop an ulcer they would have to put me on antibiotics which wouldn't be good for the baby and if that didn't work remove my eyeball 😀 so at this point I tell him im going to pass out and I need a trash can. So I throw up everything in the trash. Quite embarrassing. but the thought of having to take antibiotics that could hurt my baby made me absolutely sick and then the thought of losing my eyeball just finished it off for me. Anyways the dr said that if it was developing into an ulcer it would hurt even more today and it doesn't. He also said I didn't have any scratches on my eye. Has anyone had an eye infection while pregnant ? If so did you have to take antibiotics ? How did it turn out? I'm so anxious