FTM, feeling guilty about what I've been eating/drinking anyone else ?

Erin • 26. Married.First baby.

I'm 26, healthy weight 138 before pregnancy. I've only gained 3 pounds. I'm currently 16 weeks. Over this holiday weekend I had 1 cup of coffee every morning and this morning also and do not drink anything else with caffeine the rest of the day. I also crave anything that is salty. And now im guilty of eating mcdonalds fries at least once a week!! I can't get enough carbs/fast food. Anyone else ? I really enjoy an occasional coke too on the days i don't drink coffee ! But I just feel so bad like i shouldn't be eating these things or drinking ANYTHING with caffeine lol but I want it. During the first trimester I avoided it like the plague but now I'm giving in more and more.