Gender gone wrong lol


I’m pregnant with my Second Child and I wanted to do a reveal party for the baby. My husband still wanted to know the gender but I didn’t. Well I went to my 14 week check up and my husband would not stop talking about found out what the baby was so I ask my doctor he said we can try and see if we can see anything. Well as we were doing the ultra sound I told my doctor I didn’t want to know the gender yet but my husband did.. so we did the ultrasound and we seen our baby booty and it’s little feet’s kicking it was so amazing.. well once we got to the gender part I could of sworn I seen a penis. But my doctor turn the machine from the ultra sound from me seen anything. So once he got the ultrasound done and the gender but my doctor wants to do an other one to make actually sure at next appointment my husband had the biggest smile on his face and kept asking me if I wanted to know from the doctor office till we drove to home with is 20 Mins away

I told him no I don’t want to know so keep it to himself.. but he continue to nag so I was kind of knowing what it was because how excited and how crazy he was.. so to change the subject I ask him if he got a picture of the baby butt because I wanted to see that picture my husband said yeah kind of look I said no because you going to show me the gender he said no I look at the ultra sound my knuckle head husband didn’t even think too cover then parts of the baby.. I got so mad at him but I’m very excited because we having a BABY BOY...