

This is the deal. About 11-12 days ago I started spotting . It was a brownish color so I thought I was getting ready to start my period and the spotting only usually lasts for about a day then the next day my period is is heavy like always. But this tile was different. Even though I have irregular periods when I have a period they act the same way. But like I said this was different . I spotted th brownish color for about 4 days and then it was just a tad reder in color but the amount was the same and that lasted for about 6 days then it was like I started my period and I had 1 tampon with dark blood filled then back to spotting again. During the spotting times I took 2 prego tests from Dollar General and they were both negative. After that 1 filled tampon it went back to spotting and it’s red but heavier spotting then before to light spotting but none is enough to use a tampon. I had put a couple in a different times as a just Incase thing and there was barely any in them. I don’t lactate but I do kinda. Not on there own they don’t. If I do like a squeezing thing but not hard I can get a couple drops from each nipple. I feel tightening in my pelvic area and every once and a while light cramps that don’t even last a min at a time. Sometimes I’m light headed but that only started like 2 days ago and I’m kinda sick to my stomach and when I eat my stomach feels fine for about an hour but then back to the way it was. But the whole time it seems like my stomach is on a growl. About 4 days ago I started having diarrhea and using the bathroom more then I was. I’m 40 in a few days and I know that there is a smaller chance to get prego but I also know other things start to happen at this age too. I want one more baby. I don’t know what to think about what’s going on.