TTC with Clomid


Well since being diagnosed with PCOS my doctor has put me on Clomid. I just finished my 3rd cycle. Unfortunately for the 1st 2 cycles I had to have Provera in order to see AF. 1st cycle... I took 10 days of Provera then on CD 5 started 50 mg of Clomid. Blood work on day 21 to check progesterone...nothing. 2nd cycle...10 days of Provera and on CD 5 100mg of Clomid. Blood work on day 21... progesterone was 4.2. Good news right!?!? Wrong...not big enough. On to Cycle Provera. CD 5 150 mg Clomid. Blood work on day 21... progesterone was 1.1!!!!!

How on earth can this happen? It’s so incredibly hard to be medicated for 3 months. I know there are women that continue the long process but I’m so tired of taking medication and then having to schedule sex.

Anyone have any insight?