child support

So I told my son's dad I was going to put him on child support bc I'm tired of being the only one taking care of my son and this is the text I received back.. He only takes our son Wednesday evening thru Friday evening (when he feels like it), Has only taken my son to one doctor's appointment in the 1 1/2 years he's been alive and that was only bc I couldn't get off work and had no one else to take him, He doesn't ask me if I need help or anything, He calls me horrible name's, and he even told me that he takes my sons car seat out of his car so other females don't see it.. I've trying be civil with him for my son but I'm tired of doing this alone..

If he does go for custody i will show the lawyers and judge this text.. (btw the benefits he is talking about is my foodstamps and medicaid that I lost for not cooperating with child support. I work fulltime so can't receive those anymore anyways so it would be stupid to even try to get child support for those things).. Ladies who have gone through child support, how does it work? and can he actually get custody of my son? My son is my life and I would fight with all my might to keep him with me.. (I'm in Florida btw)