My birth story 🎀



So I never expected really anything that happened during and after my labor/birth of my baby girl. Friday morning November 24th (41 weeks) at 6 o'clock am I was laying in bed. My husband had recently left the house to go hunting with my brother. As I laid there I had the "pop" noise everyone talks about. I even felt it! I immediately became really scared to get up! But I stood up ...nothing. So I went to the bathroom and when I sat on the toilet a little something came out. Then I peed. So I thought hm maybe that was just pee. So I woke my mom (we live with her) and told her. We just decided to go into the kitchen and make coffee and breakfast. I sat down on the couch to eat my breakfast and that's when it happened. A GUSH I means GUSH of fluid. So I knew I was in labor. I started having mild contractions about 10 minutes after that. I called my husband and he headed back home! (Sorry hubs you couldn't go hunting lol) I took a shower and got everything ready and we headed to the hospital. By the time I got there my contractions were getting a little more intense by the minute. When the nurse checked me, my fluid was green and it wasn't showing up as amniotic fluid. This showed her that my baby had a bowl movement before birth. That immediately made me nervous! I was quickly moved to a delivery room and hooked up. Soon after that I began running a fever. They took blood which showed my white blood cell count dropped a lot. This showed infection due to the bowl movement. I was hooked up to fluids and antibiotics and labored for a little while. My contractions started getting pretty intense and I was only dilated only to a 1 so I couldn't get the epidural. My nurse did inform me that I could get it pretty soon because my water broke they allow it earlier. But until then, I was given stadol. That just made me feel weird me made my face itch so freaking bad and have weird animated day dreams lol. But it helped with the pain temporarily. My husband and his parents and my parents got a little laugh out of that. I was checked again, and my cervix still wasn't even fully thinned but I was 3 almost 4 cm dilated so they decided to give me the epidural. About 30 minutes later he came and put it in. I was scared for that but my husband just rubbed my head and put me at ease the whole time. The epidural immediately took my pain away. As soon as I thought I was in the clear pain wise, I started feeling the pressure down low. At first it was just uncomfortable and I felt like I had to pee really bad from the catheter. I tried to get some rest. Soon the pressure was getting pretty bad. I was checked and dilated to a 6. Progress yes but still wasn't good enough for me as I was already feeling like I could push. Couple hours go by and my body starts pushing by itself! I'm dilated to an 8 and the dr tells me my cervix had formed a lip from my body pushing before it was ready. So I had to literally force my body to not push anymore than it had to to get that lip push back away. That was so hard. After a few hours I was checked and dilated to a 10. Time to push. I started pushing and at first it felt so good to relieve the pressure. Eventually my epidural just stopped working and I felt it all. I started crying because I was scared but my nurse was very firm with me in that if I kept getting upset that wasn't going to get my baby out and my baby needed me to get her out. This was 1 o'clock Saturday morning. I pushed for about 20 minutes and the dr said my cervix had made that lip even bigger so I had to labor on my own longer to get rid of it! I was so mad. An hour goes by and I am in agony. He comes back and we start pushing again. I pushed and pushed and switched positions and he tried a lot of things to get things moving quicker. I just couldn't bear down the correct way. 2 hours go by and her head is still high. But my dr didn't give up on me. I FINALLY figured out how to push and it felt so good like it relieved the pain quickly. But as soon as I stopped pushing, I was hollering in pain again. My whole birthing team was rooting for me pushing me and being firm with me about getting this baby out. They told me to get mad. Which I already was! I pushed another half an hour and her head was crowning but by this time I was so worn out I was falling asleep in between contractions and woke up feeling like i was dreaming. I could barely push anymore. The dr then said he wanted to try the vacuum to get her out. I told him yes that was fine. All the drs came in the room and got everything set up. The dr got the bed far up off the floor and got the vacuum ready. I wish I hadn't of seen what it looked like before he put it in. But anyway. First try I pushed and it popped off of the baby's head. That freaked me out so I decided this next push she WAS coming out. As soon as he told me to push I gave it everything I had. Next thing I knew I looked up at my mom and husbands mom and they're crying so I knew her head was out. I didn't even stop pushing I pushed harder and I screamed so loud. Then I felt the relief as her body came out! She was huge! My 8lb 9oz 21 in babygirl was here after 23 hours of labor! I was so relieved. I wasn't able to hold her due to the infection so my husband held her for a minute and then the nursery took her to hook her up to antiobiotics. I had a terrible 2nd degree tear and it took 45 minutes to stitch up. That wasn't pleasant I just wanted to be out of that bed lol. After this I find out just how much blood I lost. Apparently I was bleeding terribly the whole birth and after the placenta was delivered an unbelievable amount of blood followed it. Thankfully I didn't have to have a transfusion. I just felt a little weird for a while after the birth. My fever went away the next day and the infection was gone. My baby didn't contract any infection but she has had a run of complications. We are still in the hospital due to the fact that her heart rate had been low and she hasn't been peeing or pooping like at all. I started off breastfeeding. This has just gotten overwhelming and the nurses have gotten me to try supplementing formula. Ever since then baby had pooped and peed alot! So clearly the breastfeeding Isn't going to work like I thought. I am still pumping some and giving her that. So prayers that we get to go home today! 5 day here has been hell lol. But I love her so much and it's been so worth it!