Day late♡♡


Had a beautiful baby girl Tuesday, November 28th 2017 at 5:24AM weighing in at an amazing 6lbs 8oz, and 18 1/2in long! Around 10pm Monday Randall, Sue, and I headed into labor and delivery to get checked out where my contractions were at 7 minutes apart and dilated to a 1. I was kept over night being that my due date was the 27th. Seven long hours later my contractions were getting super close and I had dilated to a 3. Much to my surprise the nursing staff had noticed a problem with the baby, every time I would contract her heart rate would fall. So around 4:30am the doctor on call gave me a visit saying I would be needing a cesarean as soon as possible due to stress on the baby. Next thing I know I'm in the OR getting numb and

prepped for surgery. They allow Randall to come back with me during the cesarean which is the only thing keeping me calm. That brings me to the moment of 5:24am the moment I was looking into Randalls eyes and hearing the most precious cry I have ever heard. Miss Emma Ann Hedrick was born!!! They let me look at her for as long as I wanted but I had the shakes so bad I couldn't comprehend the amazingly beautiful baby in front of me.  After that Randall (daddy) was allowed to bring her back to the labor and delivery room where Sue (memaw) and Kevin(pawpaw) were waiting to see the newest member of the family while I was getting sewed up. I am so blessed to have such an amazing baby and family that already loves her to death.