Need opinions

My 6 month old has a mild runny nose. It only comes out when he cries or when he’s trying to crawl around. It isn’t colored. It’s just clear. He seems fine I took him to his ped yesterday and he said he lungs were clear and his coughing was him trying to clear it on his own and it’s not like he has coughing fits. He wasn’t worried. So I went and got a nose frida with the saline spray. I’ve been using that just fine. My mother in law asks if I have any decongestant to give him. I told her no bc I thought 6 month olds couldn’t have any of that. I would rather not jump to use medication if I don’t have to anyways. Would you give your 6 month old decongestant? I mean he’s breathing fine and gets relief when I use the nose frida.