Feeling incapable of having two

Bethany • I'm 23, married almost 3 years ♡12.12.14♡ and this will be our second! Our first was born 6.22.16 on my birthday. My second time using this app. 👪

I’m constantly looking back on how I haven’t finished anything out in life and now those thoughts are spilling there way into this pregnancy. I’m not talking about abortion, I am 100% pro-life. I feel like I’m 100% incapable of being a mom of two that somehow I won’t be able to complete it like anything else. My first born is almost 18months and I am now 8 weeks pregnant with number 2 which wasn’t planned. I’m thinking about how difficult it’s going to be and had an emotional and I guess mental breakdown today while my daughter was spitting apple sauce in my face and laughing. She wouldn’t stop and I couldn’t control it nor did I feel I handled it well. All I could think was “how will I handle two. I didn’t want this yet”. I don’t want those feelings to be long lasting and put on to the new baby when it comes. Maybe it’s just the reality of how difficult it is to be a mother in the first trimester or maybe it’s not! I just know I could use some encouragement and advice on what to do or how to deal with this kind of struggle because right now I am convinced I’m not capable of doing this.