Advice from breastfeeding mother pleaseeee


When my daughter was born a month ago she latch on to my boob getting out the womb but i think the took her from me so quick when she was eating because they had to stitch me up due to her ripping me (2 degree cuts ) so after we got into the room maybe the second day she eat again i put her on my boob but she started having problems feeding she will lose the boob and get really fuzzy and start screaming to the point of turning red so i had to bottle feed her so the flow will go faster each time i try the same problem this issue got me really depressed after getting out the hospital i went and saw a breastfeeding counselor she help me so much but problem was now she just wanted one boob and she wasn’t feeding enough so i fórmula feed now she one month she latches on to only one boob so what i do is put her on the breast maybe let’s say 5-10 minuets till she starts crying then i just give her the bottle but i really want to start breastfeeding more my mom never breastfeed due to she is diabetic so she was scared so i don’t have anyone to help or give me advice can someone give me any tips on lactation cookies or pills tea anything that can help me produce more milk and help my baby breastfeed more without all the screaming and crying i want to breastfeed more often i want to start breastfeeding really do and I’m also looking in on buying a nipple shield because they have told me my daughter has nipple confusion because she so use to bottle feeding